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Space Availability - SPH Learning Commons

The UTHealth SPH Learning Commons Student Lounge is open to all current UTHealth School of Public Health students. It is an essential resource for graduate students as a place for studying and meeting, as well as a convenient venue for hosting seminars and other professional development events. If offers: 

  • A central location for students to assemble to build community and network with one another
  • A semi-quiet  secure place for students to study and work towards reaching their academic and scientific milestones 
  • A central location for students to assemble to build community and network with one another

The Lounge includes a conference room, many tables and chairs for studying or group meetings, as well as couches and tables. There is always coffee and accompaniments available, in addition to access to a microwave.

The SPH Learning Commons Student Lounge is located on the first floor of the SPH building in room E139 and is open 24 hours a day. All registered graduate students are  granted access via their UTHealth institutional badges. Users must wear their badges at all times.

Graduate students and student organizations may reserve the Lounge free of charge for meetings, presentations and events. For a calendar of events and to request a reservation, visit the online SPH Learning Commons Booking form at :

If you have any questions about the Lounge please contact the SPH Library at or 713-500-9121 for more information

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding